
Dear Colleagues,

Immunization is the most cost effective tool in preventing diseases. With the help of various vaccines, we have eradicated small pox, poliomyelitis and neonatal tetanus and the incidence of many infectious diseases could be markedly reduced. With proper immunization practices developed countries could eradicate many more infectious diseases.

 In olden days, when we were studying(1980-90)  hospital wards were occupied with polio cases , cases with complications of measles, whooping cough, diphtheria and tuberculosis in different stages, infants with cataract and heart defects, tetanus cases in isolation ward, pneumonia and hepatitis affecting all ages and so on…but now for the last decade our medical students have not seen a single case of polio.Death due to rabies is again an old story.

Prevention is always better than cure. Many diseases are not having a proper treatment and many are left with residual lesions or disabilities like the congenital rubella syndrome, bulbar polio and stage III TBM . And in developing countries like India, people will reach for primary care very late due to poverty, transportation difficulties or lack of education which brings up the very importance of primary prevention of diseases.

It is highly commendable that Government of India has taken the initiative to include many vaccines in the National Immunization schedule. New entries include-costly vaccines against pneumococci, rotavirus infections. Hope to see many more newer vaccines or combinations vaccines to be included in the schedule soon.

Vaccine resistance is seen in many corners of our country. It is very unfortunate to see that our state is also far behind in immunization coverage and is included in the intensive Indradhanush Programme. It should not happen in a state like Kerala where there is high education rate, female literacy and where all health indices are comparable to a developed nation. We should achieve 100% immunization coverage

To achieve this, IAP Kerala Safe Card(Immunization Card before School Admission) Programme Committee have requested Government of Kerala to implement compulsory immunization card before school admissions.Also requesting all its members to conduct awareness programmes for the public, school teachers, NGOs and health workers regarding immunization and compulsory immunization card before school admission. Hope that we can do it in near future.

Expecting all your whole hearted cooperation and support.

Yours faithfully,


Convener, Safe Card Committee of IAP Kerala